Dr. Mayur R. Morekar - Ocular Inflammation

Ocular Inflammation

Management of Inflammatory Eye Disorders require a detailed clinical examination with recognition of the patterns of inflammation in the eye which help the clinician arrive at a "clinical diagnosis" and then request investigations "tailored" to this "clinical diagnosis". This "tailored approach" to investigations and management of Ocular Inflammatory Disorders where investigations are used only to "confirm" the "clinical diagnosis" is believed to be economically and psychologically less burdening to the patient.

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Ocular Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis may manifest in the eye with no viable Mycobacterium Tuberculosis bacteria detectable by culture or biopsy. In such patients indirect evidence suggests Tuberculosis and the diagnosis is then termed "Presumed Ocular Tuberculosis". These patients present with relapsing ocular inflammation with features and patterns specific to "Ocular Tuberculosis", and inflammation uncontrolled with steroids &/or immunosuppressives. They have a positive Mantoux test & no evidence of systemic ...

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